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Paramo Snacks in En-Campo’s “TOP 4’ Best Companies


Por: Catalina Irigoyen

En-Campo is a project carried out by Bancolombia and Portafolio Verde, in which entrepreneurships and companies compete in order to achieve national recognition with the overall goal of promoting economic growth in the rural sectors of Colombia. Out of the 350 companies that participated in this contest, Paramo Snacks was named one of four top enterprises in the country.

The entrepreneurship works hand-in-hand with rural communities in Colombia’s high Andean mountains and páramo ecosystems, crafting healthy snacks that are now known at an international level. This recognition from En-Campo allows the company and its products to have a strong national and international presence, which in turn fuels their ability to assist in the preservation and protection of the endangered cloud forests and promote the rural communities that call this beautiful ecosystem home.


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