International Fair, Expoartesanías. December 2018.
Taste, crunchiness and appearance, these were the main attributes our consumers liked the most when they tried GOOD CHIPS in the initial trials. Results were obtained based on a survey conducted with over 400 potential consumers during ExpoArtesanias 2018, one of the main international fairs in Colombia.
Baked Pineapple & Baked Sweet Plantain were evaluated with the largest acceptance rate in all age segments and genders, followed by Baked Criolla Potato and Yacon Baked Chips. Baked Beet Chips have greater preference in women than in men. The “crunchiness” was a product attribute highly evaluated in all the chips, specially for the Beets and the Sweet Plantain. Yacon was considered a new experience for most consumers, since most of them didn’t know about this exotic tuber and its benefits.
Purchase Intention: Purchase intention was very high in all products> 60% to 90% depending on the flavor and gender. Consumers evaluated with exceptional acceptance levels the Sweet Plantain Chips and Pineapple with > 90%, followed by yacón, potatoes and beet with rates between 60% to 70%.
What about the product image and the GOOD CAUSE behind the brand?
The GOOD CHIPS branding and image was considered “impactful” by the majority of respondents, standing out in addition the appealing of its colorful picture and the zipper in the bag. When the CAUSE of restoring and protecting the Paramos was explained, most consumers were exited after highlighting the importance of protecting the water for future generations.